Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ideas and Reflection

So me and my partner in crime have an alt bank, where we put all our farming mats etcetera.
What I get is, we both do farm a fair bit, hes like the farmer in the dell,
totally on top of it, and I'm like strawberry shortcake, farm when I can,
our r/l depicts who has more time to do so..
So with that said:
I've been thinking maybe I'm not pulling my weight enough in this adventure and I really hate being reliant on someone else or them thinking
I'm just using them up.. yanno!
I recently levelled my Shammy's engineering, to make his hunter bullets/arrows which was the only reason I chose that profession, I'm sure it has advantages somewhere but not my motivvation at all.
"We like to be as self sufficent in this game as possible"
However he helped me with ore by mining half of what I needed, then also gathered mats so I could make my epic flying machine - "yuh hes a sweetie"
But as much as I loved that and appreciated the help, and I really do, I feel like
I'm not doing enough and taking advantage of him =[
i listened to him in vent and hes always doing shit for other people, giving up his hard farmed mats and all his work for others who honestly do absolutely nothing for him at all.. Sometime it feels like thats all we have friends who need us for stuff all the time..
But listening to that made me feel very hypocritical and sad..
Because I realised that not only what I percieve to be friends, in essence really aren't, they are just people who need you for this time in their lives!
anyhoot, meh, I'm all irritated and stressy anyways so much going on lately, but I think its time i started not having him help me with stuff anymore its the only smart decision I can think of that not only will make me feel a little more useful but less of a burden and most certainly not thrown in the same bag as some of the other people who are always asking can I have/do you have to him!

1 comment:

  1. WELL...what gives you the right to refuse help from someone that loves you and wants to help you...why would you take there happiness away...maybe just maybe it makes me feel very good about myself and its just another wonderful excuse to spend more time doing random things with you...if you were in my shoes wouldnt you want to do the same for me if i needed it like you do...ive never once thought of you being ungreatful for the help ive tryed to give you so i have a hard time understanding why you feel like your a burden on me...maybe this stems from something deeper than just a game...maybe its the an independance issue thats slowly creeping into this game... i dont know all i know is i love you and i love spending time doing things with you and helping you and if you cant handle that from me then i guess you dont care about how i feel and what makes me happy
